Worst day of the year
This is what 'them that are in the know' say about today - the first day back at work for most office workers. Well, it was my first day back after the Christmas and New Year festivities. And was is the worst day of the year? Well, to be fair, yes! But then we've only had three days so far.

What was bad about it. Well:

..... It was cold, grey and drizzling outside.
..... The office was stuffy and far too hot.
..... And it smelt
..... I couldn't concentrate
..... The same set of unread emails were still staring out at me from the screen.

To name but a few reasons.

I found a fan, some cold water.

Tomorrow all will be well again.

I've got bad news for you buddy...
..The worse day has been proven to be 23rd January - so you're not through the worst of it yet!!
Don't believe it? Waituntil those credit card bills come through!
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