soup run
I had a lovely 'soup' from
the local soup shop
outside the office today
Spicy Chicken and Tomato
along with lovely bread.
Last night,
as I ran out to
post a letter
(do you remember the?, paper and stamp thingy),
I passed a lot of people
q'ing to get soup
out of the back of a kind van.
Then went inside again
to watch late night tv
where the well-to-do's
were discussing cuts in housing benefit
and how it might force people out
of their homes.
Seems like are already plenty of people
I bet the money for the soup run
doesn't come out of the tax system.
So fortunately
it wont be cut.
Today was full
of sunshine.
And warmth
Generally lovely.
Went for a walk
and saw this chap
soaking up some
It was so nice
that we treated our self
to a new
Tortoise .
We have called him Titus.
He seems pretty happy in the garden.
All we need now is a gnome
to keep him company.
I can't let the day finish
without remembering
that is 10 10 10.
Quite a way through the
ten year
where all the
governments of the world
to actually do something.
What's your promise?
What's your promise?
It's Tuesday
The pier at Hastings burnt down
The polices of the conservative party and coalition are crumbling
The price of petrol - maybe the car will have to go
The pole in my garden has bird seed hanging from it and even a few birds
The pub called the Ferry Inn has reopened in Horning and does good ham and eggs
The pretty Cheryl Cole seems to have chosen the wrong three
The poem ' my song is love unknown' is currently my favourite
I'm very happy that today I bought a clock. A task never undertaken. And this clock had been waiting for a long time. In fact it had ticked 1.67 billion times before I was even born. And every one of the ticks and tocks was the clock calling out to me. Well now we are united. And I am patiently waiting for the first gong. I am very excited.
I also bought some new slippers today. Not quite so exciting, but at least the house wont smell of rotten feet/slippers - for a few weeks. When will someone invent smell-less slippers.
The other exciting thing these last few days was the Miliband Muddle. Brothers battling out to lead the Labour Party. Not Old labour, not New labour - but apparently a new and optimistic generation. I wonder how many ticks of my clock before the General Election. I reckon about 63 million ticks.